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Our Accessibility Policy

We believe websites should work for everyone...

We are committed to making our online information accessible to all visitors and are striving to adhere to accessibility guidelines.

Our efforts include:

  • Maintaining a standard layout and navigation structure throughout
  • Using headings, paragraphs, lists and other HTML (HyperText Markup Language) to create a logical document structure
  • Allowing visitors to resize all aspects of the page using their browsers zoom function
  • Using plain backgrounds to improve the readability of all text
  • Using foreground and background colour combinations which have sufficient contrast and are not known to cause problems to those with visual impairments
  • Using alt attributes and/or titles on all images where appropriate, and ensuring that all alt and title attributes are meaningful
  • Designing layouts to work satisfactorily over a range of screen resolutions
  • Ensuring all hyperlinks use descriptive and meaningful text
  • Using plain English
  • Using a written style that is straightforward and understandable
  • Ensuring all information is available in textual form
  • Making sure that styling can be completely removed for audio-browsers, by ignoring the style sheet

We are always trying to improve our website. 
If you have any comments on our accessibility policy, or suggestions about how to improve the site please contact us directly.

Browser compatibility
This website has been designed to be compatible with all modern browsers.